Wanna see what's growing right now?
Do you get as excited as we do about what's coming for rare landrace strains sourced from around the world?
Craving those ancient neural pathways?
Stay tuned!
We've got pics of them from this week for you!
It's hard to decide what to run each crop at our three grow facilities, just too many great choices in the seed banks and more coming in all the time. One thing is for sure, all are unlikely to be disappointed!
While we all love the opportunity to experience legendary strains like the Acapulco and Malawi Gold we've been running lately, we've found many of our most amazing cannabis experiences and useful medicinal strains in far away corners of the world, undiscovered by the masses.
And that's why you'll find more rare Pakistani Karachi Mountains strains from a huge pull of native strains we got in 2019, as well as some old favorites fans can't get enough of, like the old Maine fishermen pirate island strain from Boothbay Harbor in the late 80s, a cross of Thai brought back from Vietnam and the infamous stop on the Maine to the Caribbean Rum Triangle old sailing route, Jamaican.
There are pictures here of four of the actual current flowers coming up next, as they are growing right now. Stay tuned for more of the rest coming!
You can reserve any amount of these ahead by the gram or half or 1 gram prerolls, simply by dropping us a text or an email, pay at delivery when ready, $9 per gram, $6 and $10 for Prerolls.
And if you're looking for some serious skinny leaf Landrace Sativa, feeling like all that you've found was short cycled, far from maturity and just not the real thing- we have got the skinny leaf Asian Himalayan mother of Sativas for your. Meet Nepalese Watermelon, also
known as 'take over your grow room'. A very special one brought to us from far away.
Ancient Buddhist medicine from the end of the Silk Road.